Saturday, January 2, 2010


Look and see, see what I found here,
It's soft and warm and so inviting, it's beautiful and amazing and oh so pure,
It looks at you with those cute little doe eyes, with cheeks like apples, with such soft lovely smelling hair,
It will kiss you and caress, it will follow and worship, it will always stay so very, very near,
It will fill your ears with rosy platitudes, build up your ego, never be contrary, never be a bear,
Look and see at what I've found, saw it from across the room,
She's the friend of a friend, a stranger, a puzzle to be ensnared,
Such a future we could have, the times spent laughing, warm afternoons uncounted, gifts and dinners and holidays as far as the eye can see,
What's that? Reality is setting in? What's that? Reality again?
Oh that reality. Such a foul thing, with her truths and unkindness and petty arguments. With her falsities and harshness, always raining her judgements down on my parade. I can't hear the soundtrack anymore, is this movie over? But my scene is unfinished! We haven't gotten to that last kiss!
The one I had written into the script. The one where the music swells and the girls in the theater swoon.
I'll have to phone my agent! Demand a rewrite with the director! Stomp my feet and curse until I get a larger trailer from the producers! I will not be denied! This life is my movie! It is all I have in this world…
Look and see, see what I found here,
It's my heart, laying in pieces on the ground,
It looks dirty and broken and tread upon, so many feet have come across it to pound,
I don't think I want it anymore; think I want a new one that will astound,
What's that? It's the only one I get?! But this one is useless and used up and should be cast into a garbage mound,
Oh cruel fate, unkind world, you bitch reality, always coming back around after I've set my self spinning in a new direction, always back to this place, where the doldrums have such sway, grey is the color of sadness, grey is the color of my days,
What's this, who's that? Did she just smile at me? Roll camera and call back in the director and all the other players in my cinema life, here's my stage, where's my lines!
I live to love another day.

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